After the num­e­rous suc­ces­ses of the Frank­furt cou­ples at the 27th Nor­der­stedt Dance Sport Days at Pen­te­cost, it was also […]
The Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg sta­te cham­pi­on­ship in Latin dances for child­ren, juni­ors and […]
The annu­al win­ter tour­na­ment of the TC-Rot-Weiss Leip­zig eV took place in Leip­zig on Janu­ary 13th, 2024. The tour­na­ment offered […]
On Satur­day (Decem­ber 9th, 2023), the second weekend of Advent, the 2023 Advent tour­na­ment took place in Mag­de­burg. In the Christmas […]
On Novem­ber 11th, 2023, the Ahorn Club Ber­lin invi­ted peo­p­le to the C‑Class Havel Cup. In the organizer’s dance hall […]
On Octo­ber 7th, 2023, a new dance sport event occur­red in Dres­den. The TSC Excel­si­or Dres­den eV […]
On the weekend of Sep­tem­ber 9th, 2023 – Sep­tem­ber 10th, 2023, the Tanz­sport­klub Resi­denz-Dres­den eV hos­ted its annu­al children’s and youth tour­na­ment. Numerous […]
The 29th Lip­sia­de took place in Leip­zig on June 24th, 2023. The dance sports club set up […]
On Sun­day, June 4th, 2023, we hos­ted the 1st Bridge Buil­ders Cup in the Sabi­nus­hal­le Frank­furt Oder. Held […]
On the Pen­te­cost weekend, Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low went to Nor­der­stedt near Ham­burg. Here […]
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