On the Pen­te­cost weekend, Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low went to Nor­der­stedt near Ham­burg. The TSC Asto­ria Nor­der­stedt orga­ni­zes its dance sports days here every year. Tour­na­ments for all ages and abili­ties take place.

Fabri­ce and Chan­tal also took advan­ta­ge of this oppor­tu­ni­ty and com­pe­ted on both Satur­day and Sun­day. In total, the two danced in 7 tour­na­ments and were able to take home a num­ber of placements.

In Stan­dard, the two achie­ved 1st place in the Juni­or II C Stan­dard. They also achie­ved podi­um places in the Youth C Stan­dard with a 3rd and a 2nd place.

Fabri­ce and Chan­tal are also con­ti­nuing their suc­cessful streak in Latin. Here they took 2nd and 3rd place in the Juni­or II C Latin cate­go­ry and 3rd and 5th place in the Youth category.

We are very hap­py about the­se gre­at results and wish you con­tin­ued success!

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