The 29th Lip­sia­de took place in Leip­zig on June 24th, 2023. The Tanz­sport­club Leip­zig eV orga­ni­zed the tour­na­ment in seve­ral areas.

Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz took part from Frank­furt (Oder). It star­ted with the Juni­or II C Stan­dard. Here the two danced tog­e­ther 2nd place. After­wards, Lukas and Lil­ly danced at the Youth C Stan­dard. Here they achie­ved it Win­ners’ podi­um. Final­ly, the Youth C Latin tour­na­ment fol­lo­wed. The start­ing field con­sis­ted of eight cou­ples. The two were able to pre­vail and finis­hed with one 2nd place away.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on the­se results!

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