The 2019 sta­te cham­pi­on­ship in stan­dard dances was again held tog­e­ther with the Ber­lin sta­te asso­cia­ti­on and was divi­ded into 3 dates (Sep­tem­ber 7th/8th/21st, 2019). The fol­lo­wing results were achie­ved, with the adult area per­forming abo­ve avera­ge this year.

In the children’s D class, Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens won the run­ner-up natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title; Mar­cel Wro­nie­wicz and Leni Glat­zel achie­ved third place in the natio­nal rankings.

In the youth divi­si­on, Jason Pie­renz and Josie Brandt won the natio­nal run­ner-up title in the youth B class and were pro­mo­ted to the A class, whe­re they even recei­ved the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title.

2 cou­ples from our seni­or ID class took part in the youn­ger age group, main group II D, on Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, 2019 – Georg Win­zer and Edda Tuch­schee­rer-Ehr­hardt beca­me run­ner-up natio­nal cham­pi­ons; Falk Korn­dör­fer and Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka even beca­me sta­te cham­pi­ons, were allo­wed to dance in main group II C as the win­ners of the tour­na­ment and also beca­me Bran­den­burg sta­te cham­pi­ons there.

On Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2019, both cou­ples were at the start again, this time in their actu­al age group Seni­or ID and achie­ved the same result: Georg Win­zer and Edda Tuch­schee­rer-Ehr­hardt were run­ner-up natio­nal cham­pi­ons; Falk Korn­dör­fer and Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka beca­me natio­nal cham­pi­ons and tour­na­ment win­ners, so that they were able to show the Slow­fox at the start in the seni­or IC class.

In the next hig­her age group, Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel achie­ved the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title in the seni­or II‑D cate­go­ry, the tour­na­ment vic­to­ry + natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title in the seni­or III‑D cate­go­ry and, after being pro­mo­ted to the C class, beca­me run­ner-up in the seni­or III‑C cate­go­ry ‑Natio­nal champion.

Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk won the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title in the seni­or II‑C class.

Mar­tin Lutz and Sabi­ne Meu­sel won the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title in the seni­or IS class at the B/A/S class on Sep­tem­ber 21, 2019.



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