For our tour­na­ment cou­ples the weekend was from Janu­ary 21 and 22, 2023 the com­mon ones Sta­te cham­pi­on­ships Berlin/Brandenburg at.

Among others went to this tour­na­ment Samu Kirsch­ke and Nele Will­born. It was only their second tour­na­ment for both of them. In the children’s ID they danced their way to 3rd place in the over­all tour­na­ment and were thus Natio­nal cham­pi­on. In the older age group, child­ren II D, they were Vice natio­nal cham­pi­on.

Also Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens star­ted in two age groups. In the youn­ger class, the Juni­ors II D, they came second in a strong over­all field of Ber­lin cou­ples and the­r­e­fo­re won Natio­nal cham­pi­on. In Youth D, the older class, they achie­ved 3rd place in the over­all tour­na­ment Vice natio­nal cham­pi­on.
With the­se gre­at pla­ce­ments they were pro­mo­ted to the next hig­her class, the C class. In this class they danced to 9th place in the Juni­or II and shared 10th/11th place in the Youth cate­go­ry. Place and thus coll­ec­ted the first points in this new class. 

Also Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz com­pe­ted in Juni­or II D and Youth D. They achie­ved third place in the over­all tour­na­ment, just behind Mak­sym and Eve­li­na Vice natio­nal cham­pi­on. In the older class they nar­row­ly missed the final and came fourth.
Lukas and Lil­ly also moved up to the C class. The­re they finis­hed 12th in a very strong field in the Juni­or II cate­go­ry and tied for 10th/11th in the youth cate­go­ry tog­e­ther with Mak­sym and Eve­li­na. Place. 

Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Cha­t­a­low danced in the same age group. In the Juni­or II D they nar­row­ly missed the final and came seventh in the over­all tour­na­ment and fifth in the Bran­den­burg ran­king. In Youth D, they came sixth in the over­all tour­na­ment and fourth in the Bran­den­burg ranking. 

Child­ren ID
Samu Kirsch­ke and Nele Will­born, natio­nal champions
Juni­ors II D
Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens, natio­nal cham­pi­ons
Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz, vice natio­nal cham­pi­ons
Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low, 5th place
Youth D
Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens, vice natio­nal cham­pi­ons
Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz, 3rd place
Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low, 4th place

In addi­ti­on to our child­ren and youth pairs, two of our adult pairs also went to the sta­te cham­pi­on­ship in Ber­lin. For some time now, the seni­or clas­ses have been cal­led “Mas­ters”.

Georg Win­zer and Anke Schnei­der danced their way into the Latin dances at their tour­na­ment debut Vice natio­nal cham­pi­on title in Mas­ters II B. 

Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk were in the Mas­ters II B Natio­nal cham­pi­on and were allo­wed as Tour­na­ment win­ner dance in the Mas­ters A class, whe­re, com­ple­te­ly unex­pec­ted­ly, they also met Natio­nal cham­pi­on-title danced. The tour­na­ment vic­to­ry in the Mas­ters A class with first place across all five dances was com­ple­te­ly surprising.

Mas­ters III B
Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk, natio­nal champions
Mas­ters III A
Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk, natio­nal champions

We con­gra­tu­la­te all of our cou­ples on the­se gre­at results.



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