On the weekend of April 23rd and 24th. The Mas­ser­berg Litt­le Red Riding Hood Tour­na­ment took place in the REGIOMED reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cli­nic in Mas­ser­berg. Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust were repre­sen­ted the­re. The cou­ples came tog­e­ther from all over Ger­ma­ny for this tournament. 

On Satur­day the two achie­ved 4th place in the Seni­or III C out of 11 pairs and 8th place in the II C out of 12 pairs. 

Things went even bet­ter on Sun­day. Sophie and Tors­ten danced their way onto the podi­um with a 3rd place in the Seni­ors III C out of 12 cou­ples and also danced their way to the final in the Seni­ors II C, whe­re they achie­ved 6th place out of 11 couples. 

Sophie and Tor­ten sum up that it was a very nice and well-orga­ni­zed tour­na­ment in a beau­tiful area: Due to the forest die­back in the Thu­rin­gi­an Forest, the club came up with a nice cam­paign. A tree was plan­ted for each start of the tour­na­ment. The cou­ples were each able to deci­de on the type of tree that would be plan­ted near Mas­ser­berg at the begin­ning of May.

We con­gra­tu­la­te our cou­ple on the­se gre­at results and look for­ward to see­ing pho­tos of the plan­ted tree soon. 



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