The event took place for the 15th time on the weekend from Octo­ber 14th to 15th, 2023 Ros­tock Tour­na­ment Dance Days ali­gned. The TTC All­round Ros­tock eV offe­red the cou­ples in the mas­ter clas­ses the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dance on two dance flo­ors. Tour­na­ments were held in stan­dard and Latin.

Tra­ve­led from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se at. Over­all, they accept­ed seven tour­na­ments part.

They star­ted on Satur­day with the Mas­ters III D Stan­dard. Here they rea­ched one 3rd place. It con­tin­ued with the Mas­ters IV D Stan­dard. The­re the two of them danced straight away Win­ners’ podi­um. As tour­na­ment win­ners, they were then allo­wed to play in the C class dancing. Here too, Heinz and Car­la were con­vin­cing won the Mas­ters IV C tour­na­ment.

Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se on the win­ners’ podium

Wit­hout a long break, the cou­ple was back on the flo­or on Sun­day. First back at the Mas­ters III D Stan­dard. Here they danced for one ano­ther 3rd place. The tour­na­ment of Mas­ters IV D Stan­dard Both of them were able to deci­de for them­sel­ves. That’s how it went with them Mas­ters IV C Stan­dard fur­ther. Heinz and Car­la also stood up 1st place. The oppor­tu­ni­ty at the Mas­ters IV B Stan­dard They also took advan­ta­ge of dancing along and ended their suc­cessful weekend with one 3rd place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te you on the­se excel­lent results.

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