Every year At Pen­te­cost, the dance sport club Asto­ria Nor­der­stedt is orga­ni­zing the dance cen­ter “Die 3” The­re they now car­ri­ed 27th Nor­der­stedt Dance Sport Days On the lar­ge dance flo­or, the cou­ples on two days Coll­ect points and ran­kings. Of cour­se, pho­tos in front of the beau­tiful pho­to wall were also a must.


The first from Frank­furt was Samu Kirsch­ke and Kar­lot­ta Her­mann in the Stan­dard dances. First they ente­red the par­quet at the Child­ren DThe­re they danced their way to 2nd place.

After­wards they also star­ted at the Juni­or IDHere too they stood on the podi­um and secu­red the 3rd place.

After the stan­dard tour­na­ments comes the Latin tour­na­ments. And so it went for Samu and Kar­lot­ta both Child­ren D Latin With a 3rd place they achie­ved ano­ther placement. 

They were then able to Com­ple­te 3rd place in the Juni­or ID.

Also tra­vel­ling with Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Cha­t­a­low Ano­ther cou­ple came to Nor­der­stedt. The two star­ted at the Youth C Latin with the aim of pro­mo­ti­on. By rea­ching the final and rea­ching the 2nd place they were able to achie­ve the goal and suc­cessful­ly pro­mo­ted to the B class.


Of cour­se, the tour­na­ments on Sun­day could not be missed.

So went Samu and Kar­lot­ta at the Juni­or ID Latin After the preli­mi­na­ry round and the final round, they roun­ded off their com­pe­ti­ti­on weekend with a vic­to­ry away.

Also Fabri­ce and Chan­tal danced again at the Youth B Stan­dard and rea­ched a 3rd place.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on the­se results!

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