In direct pro­xi­mi­ty to bears, mon­keys and tigers, from 31.05 to 02.06.2024 the Kon­sum Leip­zig Dance Fes­ti­val in the won­derful Con­gress Hall Leip­zig 100 work­shops were offe­red in seven halls. The­se were led by, among others, Joa­chim Lam­bi, Mari­us-And­rei Balan & Khry­sty­na Mos­hens­ka and Chris­ti­an Pol­anc guided. 

In addi­ti­on to the num­e­rous work­shops, Satur­day and Sun­day tour­na­ments for all young dancers car­ri­ed out.

From our club were two pairs suc­cessful­ly star­ted and expe­ri­en­ced some­thing unforgettable.

On Satur­day Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Will­born the begin­ning of the tour­na­ment mara­thon. They star­ted at the Child­ren D Stan­dard and took the 5th place. After­wards it went to the Juni­or ID stan­dard Here the cou­ple was able to 5th place dance. 

After a short break we con­tin­ued with the Latin tour­na­ments First, Nick­las and Nele star­ted again with the Child­ren D Latin and secu­red a 3rd place. Satur­day was roun­ded off with a 2nd place in the Juni­or ID.

After a good rest, we con­tin­ued straight on Sunday. 

With the Nick­las and Nele star­ted the Stan­dard recrea­tio­nal sports tour­na­ment into the next tour­na­ment day. The­re they left as win­ner the par­quet. The tour­na­ment fol­lo­wed Child­ren D Stan­dard, whe­re they have it 2nd place Also in the Juni­or ID stan­dard they stood with a 2nd place on the podium.

Two more fol­lo­wed  Tour­na­ments in Latin. On the one hand, the Popu­lar sports tour­na­ment, which they 2nd place and on the other hand that of the Juni­or ID. They finis­hed this with a 4th Place.

On Sun­day, Frankfurt’s par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on was Samu Kirsch­ke and Kar­lot­ta Herr­mann expan­ded. Imme­dia­te­ly They took home 4 medals

They won the first in the Stan­dard tour­na­ments. So they took a 2nd place in the recrea­tio­nal sports tour­na­ment suc­cessful­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ted. Fol­lo­wed by two 3rd place in the Child­ren D Stan­dard and Juni­or ID.

The cou­ple also ente­red the Latin dances the par­quet and secu­red the Recrea­tio­nal sports tour­na­ment direct­ly took 1st placeThey roun­ded off their tour­na­ment day with a 2nd place in the Juni­or ID away.

To top off the weekend, the four met Let’s Dance judge Joa­chim Lam­bi. They tal­ked tog­e­ther and took photos.

At this point we would like to thank our long-time child­ren and youth coach Mar­tin Lutz, who helps our children’s pairs achie­ve the­se successes!

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons and con­tin­ued success.

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