After the num­e­rous suc­ces­ses of the Frank­furt cou­ples at the 27th Nor­der­stedt Dance Sport Days, at Pen­te­cost, the June back to Nor­der­stedt. At the 08 June 2024 The Dance Cen­ter “Die 3” once again beca­me a won­derful venue for the tour­na­ments of the Child­ren and young peo­p­le from D to A class.

Two young cou­ples from our club were also the­re. lots of joy and fun they spent a suc­cessful tour­na­ment day. Tog­e­ther they sup­port­ed each other and were hap­py tog­e­ther. 

Repeat offen­ders were again Samu Kirsch­ke and Kar­lot­ta Herr­mann They star­ted their tour­na­ment day at the Child­ren D Stan­dard and were able to get a 3rd place After­wards they also per­for­med at the Juni­or ID stan­dard on the par­quet flo­or, whe­re they 4th Place achie­ved.

Of cour­se, on this day Latin is a must. So the two star­ted at the Child­ren D and stood with a 2nd place on the podi­um. The cou­ple was able to repeat this suc­cess at the Juni­or ID repeat.

In addi­ti­on, Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Will­born ano­ther TSC cou­ple on the flo­or. First, Nick­las and Nele also danced at the Child­ren D Stan­dard and imme­dia­te­ly took the 1st place. As Win­ner of the D class They were also allo­wed to Child­ren C dance along and rea­ched the 2nd place. Then we con­tin­ued with the Juni­or ID stan­dard. The­re they danced for one ano­ther 2nd place.

Nick­las and Nele also took part in the Latin tour­na­ments and con­cluded the tour­na­ment of Child­ren D with a 1st place and that of the Juni­or ID with a 3rd place away.

Both cou­ples would like to thank their trai­ner Mar­tin Lutz.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on the­se successes!

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