Sep­tem­ber remain­ed dance-rich, inclu­ding on Weekend from 21 Sep­tem­ber to 22 Sep­tem­ber 2024. Becau­se in Leip­zig and Ber­lin Tour­na­ments for our mas­ter cou­ples took place.

In Leip­zig, the 1. TSC Grün-Gold Leip­zig 1974 eV the 9th Green-Gol­den Autumn Tour­na­ment They also equip­ped the sports hall on Leplay­stras­se with two dance flo­ors and held num­e­rous tournaments.

Among the num­e­rous dance cou­ples were three from the 1. TSC suc­cessful in doing so.

To make a start Tho­ralf and Anja Böli­cke in a lar­ge Stra­ter­feld, with 10 pairs, both Mas­ters ID stan­dardThey danced their way into the final and took 5th place. Also with the Mas­ters II D Stan­dard They com­pe­ted and even had to face 14. Cou­ples Here they finis­hed the tour­na­ment with a 9th placeAfter a short break, they chan­ged their out­fits and shoes and stood at the Mas­ters II D Latin on the flo­or. Here too, they made it to the final and pre­vai­led against the 7 pairs, as they went home as tour­na­ment win­ners

Also with two starts are Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né tra­ve­led to Leip­zig. They star­ted at the Mas­ters IC stan­dard. This tour­na­ment fea­tured a start­ing field of 8 pairsAfter a suc­cessful preli­mi­na­ry round, the two rea­ched the final and danced their way to a 3rd place. Both Mas­ters II C Stan­dard They con­tin­ued and had to defend them­sel­ves against 6 pairs They suc­cee­ded and con­cluded with a 2nd place.

With Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust were the 1. TSC Frank­furt Or also at the Mas­ters III B Stan­dard The start­ing field con­sis­ted of 13 pairs The two mas­te­red the tour­na­ment and took the 8th place

At the same time, the Dance sport cen­ter Blau Gold in the Palais am See the Tege­ler See Tro­phy A total of 43 tour­na­ments took place in 2 halls over 2 days. Three tour­na­ments were atten­ded by Thors­ten and Kry­sty­na Mül­ler suc­cessful­ly participated.

First, they pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves at the Mas­ters ID stan­dard and oppo­sed the 4 pairs through, becau­se they got the 1st place. Also with the Mas­ters II D They stood out for the jury from the 4 pairs out and took the gold medal to Frank­furt Oder. Their tour­na­ment day ended with par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the tour­na­ment the Mas­ters II C Stan­dardThe­re they danced their way to 2nd place out of 5 cou­ples.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all cou­ples on the­se successes.

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