In Ber­lin gathe­red on Sun­day, 15.09.2024 the cou­ples of Juni­ors and Youth BA, the main group AS and Mas­ters BA their natio­nal cham­pi­on­ships. They pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves in their spar­k­ling dres­ses and floa­ted ele­gant­ly across the dance flo­or in the room of the TC Blau Gold in VfL Tegel 1891 eV.

In the juni­or and youth cate­go­ry, our cou­ple Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz First, they pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves at the Juni­ors II B Stan­dard with their 5 dancesThey were able to con­vin­ce the jury and moved into the final. The­re they danced for one ano­ther 3rd place.

This was fol­lo­wed by the tour­na­ment of Youth B Stan­dardThe two were able to reach the finals here too and also achie­ved a 3rd place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te them both on the­se two third places and wish them con­tin­ued success.

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