With a balan­ce of 7x 1st place, 6x 2nd place and 6x 3rd place The cou­ples of the 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder suc­cessful­ly star­ted the first Cham­pi­on­ship weekend on 07.09.2024Becau­se on Satur­day the Berlin/Brandenburg Sta­te Cham­pi­on­ships of the D/C clas­ses in Stan­dard in the btc green-gold of the TiB 1848. 

First, our Child­ren and juni­ors suc­cessful­ly enter the tour­na­ments

To make a start Samu Kirsch­ke and Kar­lot­ta Herr­mann both Child­ren IDThe­re they imme­dia­te­ly picked up the first natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title to the Oder­stadt. This was fol­lo­wed by the start at the Child­ren II DHere too, they sat down with a 3rd place up to the top of the podi­um and moved to the C‑Class Once in the C‑Class, they set con­tin­ued their series of suc­ces­ses with a 1st place in the Child­ren I and a 3rd place each in the Child­ren II C and Juni­ors ICWith the­se results, the two qua­li­fy for the Ger­man Child­ren C Championship.

The two were fol­lo­wed Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Will­born. They first danced at the Child­ren II DThe­re they could 2nd place to Frank­furt. As new­ly crow­ned vice-cham­pi­ons they moved to the C‑Class and took the Child­ren II C direct­ly the 2nd place. Both Juni­or IC they danced their way to 4th place. Nick­las and Nele also qua­li­fied for the Ger­man Championship.

With Joh­nathan Lan­ge and Dalia Gün­ther Our child­ren and juni­or pairs were com­ple­te on this day. The two star­ted at the Juni­ors II D and got the third natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title for the 1. TSC.

This meant that the But the series of suc­ces­ses is not over yet. The Mas­ter Cou­ples con­tin­ued, who a dozen medals took home.

Last year they were still in the stands and chee­red loud­ly, now they were Thors­ten and Kry­sty­na Mül­ler in the midd­le. First they secu­red the Natio­nal Mas­ters ID Stan­dard Cham­pi­on­ship and sub­se­quent­ly also the Mas­ters II DThis also allo­wed them to C‑Class dance alongThe­re they danced a 3rd place in the Mas­ters IC and a 2nd place in the Mas­ters II C.

Also this year Tho­ralf and Anja Blöli­cke They were also pre­sent at the Mas­ters I and II D on the dance flo­or. In In both clas­ses they were able to win the vice-cham­pi­on­ship titles bring home.

A Hol­ger Wagen­blast and Clau­dia Lem­ke cele­bra­ted fur­ther debuts. They could enjoy je a 3rd place in the Mas­ters I and II D are loo­king for­ward to their cham­pi­on­ship debut.

Through Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né we were able to wel­co­me ano­ther TSC cou­ple to the cham­pi­on­ship area. At the same time, the two mana­ged to Mas­ters I and II C the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship titles to win for yourself.

The field was Georg Win­zer and Anke Schnei­der They also star­ted at the Mas­ters I and II C and secu­red 2nd and 3rd place.

A big thank you goes to the coa­ches Mar­tin Lutz and Marek Roki­ta who prepa­re the cou­ples for the cham­pi­on­ships and tour­na­ments with a lot of commitment.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all cou­ples for the­se excel­lent results.

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