Also this year, the 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder in Holm repre­sen­ted. The­re, the 58th time from the 30.08 to 01.09.2024 the tra­di­tio­nal tour­na­ment “The Bal­tic Sea is dancing” Num­e­rous dance cou­ples tra­ve­led to one of the lar­gest tour­na­ments for mas­ter cou­ples. They enjoy­ed the won­derful atmosphere.

This repu­ta­ti­on is also Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel fol­lo­wed. They danced imme­dia­te­ly on seve­ral days in Stan­dard and Latin. First, they com­ple­ted the stan­dard tour­na­ments of the Mas­ters III BOn Fri­day they left some cou­ples behind and took the shared 9–10 placeOn Satur­day they were able to dance their way to the front again and finis­hed with the shared 10–13th place On Sun­day they com­ple­ted the series and rea­ched the shared 8–9 place.

Also on the Latin tour­na­ments The Vogel dance cou­ple was suc­cessful. They won the 4th place and 6th place 

Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust also arri­ved. They star­ted imme­dia­te­ly suc­cessful on all three days. So began the Fri­day at the Mas­ters III B Stan­dard in a start­ing field 21 pairs. The two had to com­ple­te seve­ral rounds to get to the FinalThe­re they rea­ched the 4th Place. This was fol­lo­wed by the Satur­day with 24 dance cou­ples both Mas­ters III BHere too, the two were able to win with a 9th place place it far for­ward. On Sun­day, 15 cou­ples per­for­med The dance cou­ple Klaust also impres­sed here and ended the tour­na­ment weekend with a 6th place

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