In Berlin, the Blau Gold dance sports center hosted the event 9th Tegeler See Trophy from September 30th, 2023 to October 1st, 2023. In the beautiful halls of the Palais am See, directly on Lake Tegel, 43 tournaments in standard and Latin American dances were held.
From 1. TSC Frankfurt Oder were the same 3 pairs on site.

We started with them Masters I and II D Standard, Stefan Böhme and Yvonne Renné. In both age groups they were able to Dance for 2nd place.
They followed Heinz and Carla-Maria Krause. First they started with the Masters III D Standard and concluded with that 2nd place. It continued with them Masters IV D Standard. Here they went as Tournament winner from the floor. This meant they were entitled to next performance class, the C‑Classto dance along. The winning streak continued and here the two were also on the same level 1st place. So they also went with them Masters IV B Standard to the start. Here they danced 2nd place.

The third couple in the league were Falk Korndörfer and Christine Becker, the two Masters II C Standard danced along. Your tournament day ends with one 2nd place.
We congratulate the three couples on their achievements.