In Ber­lin, the Blau Gold dance sports cen­ter hos­ted the event 9th Tege­ler See Tro­phy from Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2023 to Octo­ber 1st, 2023. In the beau­tiful halls of the Palais am See, direct­ly on Lake Tegel, 43 tour­na­ments in stan­dard and Latin Ame­ri­can dances were held. 

From 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder were the same 3 pairs on site.

Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker (left), Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se (midd­le), Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né (right)

We star­ted with them Mas­ters I and II D Stan­dard, Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né. In both age groups they were able to Dance for 2nd place.

They fol­lo­wed Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se. First they star­ted with the Mas­ters III D Stan­dard and con­cluded with that 2nd place. It con­tin­ued with them Mas­ters IV D Stan­dard. Here they went as Tour­na­ment win­ner from the flo­or. This meant they were entit­led to next per­for­mance class, the C‑Classto dance along. The win­ning streak con­tin­ued and here the two were also on the same level 1st place. So they also went with them Mas­ters IV B Stan­dard to the start. Here they danced 2nd place.

Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krause

The third cou­ple in the league were Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker, the two Mas­ters II C Stan­dard danced along. Your tour­na­ment day ends with one 2nd place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te the three cou­ples on their achievements.

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