On Sep­tem­ber 30, 2023, exhi­bi­ti­on hall 1 was trans­for­med into the venue for the TAF Ger­ma­ny Cup and the East Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ship in Dis­co­fox. The lar­ge area pro­vi­ded ple­nty of space for over 25 cou­ples to show­ca­se their skills. The cou­ples came from all over Ger­ma­ny and Poland. 

The event was ope­ned by Tho­ralf Böli­cke. After­wards the­re was an excel­lent gree­ting from Mayor René Wil­ke. With this ope­ning the first tour­na­ment of the Juni­ors begin. Dancing here Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Cha­t­a­low. They danced it out 1st place. This also made them one of the East Ger­man cham­pi­ons

It con­tin­ued with the adult clas­ses. Both Adult II B danced Marek Sie­vert and Anke Nie­schalk. Here they rea­ched one 2nd place. Also with the Adult III A they took part. The­re they con­cluded with one 3rd place away. Bert and Irid Men­ge were also in the start­ing field. The two finis­hed the tour­na­ment with one 4th Place.

After the A clas­ses, the flo­or was free for the spe­cial class. Like all other cou­ples and clas­ses, they show­ed their skills in Slow and Quick Dis­co­fox. In addi­ti­on, they also pre­sen­ted their free­styl­es. The sto­ries were mixed and ran­ged from Pink Pan­ther to Grease to vam­pi­res. Went here Mar­co and Lisa Küh­ne at the start. In the over­all tour­na­ment they were Second. In addi­ti­on, they have the East Ger­man cham­pi­on­ship title.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on the­se successes.

Bet­ween the tour­na­ments, spec­ta­tors also had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to show off their skills on the lar­ge dance floor.

A big thank you also goes to the city of Frank­furt Oder and the Stadt­wer­ke Frank­furt Oder for their sup­port. We would also like to thank Sport­ra­dio Frank­furt Oder.

At the same time, we would like to thank the many hel­pers, wit­hout who­se help the event would not have been possible.

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